EGITO ONLINE Frequently Questions Asked

Accommodation “Hotels & Nile Cruise” information
Booking a tour at a reasonable price is a very important target for any traveler but what some don’t put in mind that some agencies give low costs tours just to reduce the quality of hotels & Nile Cruises and when the guests arrive, they find a totally different thing. “Egypt Tours Portal” booking department always put in mind the importance of choosing the best possible places of accommodation for our guests and we even mentioned the names of the exact hotels and Nile cruises we book for our guests before they arrive to give them enough time to check the website of each place themselves and let us know if we should change any accommodation. When the guest books a tour with us, we show him or her the hotels and Nile cruises we always deal with. We start checking the availability once the guest confirms the required tour with us and book the best possible options for the traveler. Kindly note that we don’t recommend hotels in Egypt below the 5* category as 4* & 3* options are totally inconvenient and uncomfortable in all Egyptian cities. We highly recommend the 5* and 5* High luxury hotels and Nile cruises that are best known for their served food, best services, amenities, and exceptional facilities. Anything rather than this will definitely destroy your vacation.
Arrival Pick-ups & departure drops-off
One of the most important things to put in mind is that the first meeting between the travel agency and the guest gives the whole impression. We always look forward to having the best first impression from our guests and that is why our representative is always there at the arrival time of the guest and assists the traveler in the best possible way to get the entry Visa if you are permitted to get it upon your arrival based on your nationality and he will also assist you to finish all of the formalities until he takes you to meet your tour guide & private driver and you will then be transferred to your hotel. The same thing happens with your departure as we will also transfer you to the airport with the assistance of one of our representatives. This is among our transfers that are included during the whole of your tour.
Domestic Flights “Which Airline we use” & what timing??
Your safety is all that we always seek to secure while booking a tour with us and that is why we are always eager to book with the best domestic flights, not the chartered ones. Here is the list of the airline that we usually use to operate our domestic flights from an Egyptian city to another: Egypt Air, Air Cairo, Nile Air, and Fly Egypt. Regarding the timing of the flights, we usually choose the most affordable flight schedule to offer our guests a competitive tour price. Meanwhile, we put in mind the requirements and comfort of the guest if he or she doesn’t like waking up in the early morning or flying late at night. If the client looking for a certain flight schedule or certain Class then it will come with an extra charge. We also let our guests know the timing of the available domestic flights before booking them to know whether it is going to be fine with them or not.
What to pack with you??
Here is another repeated question that is usually asked by many travelers and simply put, you should bring with you only the necessary personal items. Among the items that you shouldn’t forget is your medicine with prescriptions from your doctor with the exact names of your medicine, your suitable clothes that will be determined based on the time you are going to visit Egypt in “Summer, Spring, Autumn, or Winter??”, you can also bring extra comfortable shoes with you like high heels for women is not recommended at all since you will spend the whole day touring around the ancient Egyptian landmarks and sightseeing. Men should also avoid wearing dress shoes and bring tennis shoes which will be much better at walking. You shouldn’t also forget to bring your phone, charger, camera, personal items, etc. Rather than this, you will find everything in Egypt with very tempting prices and that will let you avoid extra weight at the airport upon your arrival not to carry many bags with you.
Vehicles Used
Another question we receive from our guests is what is the type of vehicles we usually use while operating our tours? To answer this question, we would like to clarify that we always use the best modern vehicles in Egypt and all of them are air-conditioned ones. Vehicles differ based on the number of travelers and the destination we will take the tourist to. We use modern cars in 2020 & 2021 and keep updating the quality of our cars to get the satisfaction of our guests. Regarding our drivers, we choose the best-qualified ones after testing them and they must hold a driving license. Any complaint about any of our drivers will be taken into consideration and we will start the investigation right away. So you need to make sure that you are not just a regular customer of our agency but you are a valuable friend whom we will always care for.
Will be There Any Additional Fees??
Once confirming a tour and sending a deposit, then no extra charges will be added over the total tour price we have agreed on. Aside from the final price, you will pay for your own personal expenses like any optional tours you decide to add on the spot during your tour, tipping, souvenirs, etc. Such things are not included in your tour itinerary from the time of the initial and final agreement. you have the total freedom to simply choose whatever you want to do with your time and money.
Tipping is not included in our tour price as it is something for our guests to choose whether to give or not. Tipping is something traditional in Egypt that foreigners are used to doing for a very long time as long as they are receiving satisfactory services from others whether they are drivers, waiters, porters, guides, etc. So in case, you found that you are receiving valuable services while being in Egypt, feel free to give gratuities to whomever you want at any time with no specific amount of money to be given, it is all about you and what you want to give.
Is the Sleeper Train Recommended??
Regarding Sleeper trains, we as a travel agency, never recommend them to anyone except for those who have tried them before and asked for them again. Traveling from a city to another via the sleeper train is a truly difficult thing and should be operated via domestic flights that usually take an hour and a half maximum. The sleeper train cabins are very tinny and uncomfortable. In case there are children, it is going to be your worst nightmare so, to avoid all of this matter, you would rather seek the much better option which is to have a direct flight from a city to another. Regarding Sleeper trains, we- as a travel agency-don’t recommend them to anyone except for those who have tried them before and asked for them once again. The sleeper train cabins are very tinny and uncomfortable & the toilets are sharing. In addition to the inaccurate timing for the trains which could take double time to reach the required destination. Traveling from one city to another via the sleeper train is a truly difficult experience and we highly recommend replacing it with domestic flights that usually take an hour maximum.
Group Tours
We always arrange private tours for solo travelers, couples, families, or group tours. It is something wonderful to be able to travel to Egypt in a group tour if you have the chance as you will get many advantages like having the best incomparable tour price, enjoying your tours with your families and friends, taking some memorable pictures, and so many other reasons that will definitely make you seek to find people to join you. The only part of our tours which you may join with other travelers is the Nile cruise adventure so it all depends on you and we will have the responsibility of arranging the most exceptional tour for you.
Tour Guides
Tour guides play a very important role in making any traveler leave Egypt with a big smile. Not all tour guides have the capability to deliver the information and to explain the history of each historical landmark to tourists from all over the world and that is why what makes us put our tour guides under test to check if they are 100% qualified in gaining the satisfaction of our guests or not. We have first tested their historical background, put them under pressure, have seen how they can deal with serious situations until we came up with the best and the most astonishing tour guides in Egypt. That is not all as we also keep updating our system by getting the feedback of each guest after he or she finishes the tour to know the weak points before our strengths and work on them to be improved and to keep our reputation at its highest level.
Egypt Travel Visa
You can search via your nationality and check the state of your country. If you have the right to get your visa upon arrival, then our representative will assist you to finish it in a very smooth way. If you should obtain it in advance, once you confirm your tour with us, we will send you all of the formal documents needed to get your visa easily.
Admission Fees
All Egyptian sites have admission fees that we mainly include in our tour price including entry tickets to the Egyptian temples, historical, and religious sites. There are some sites that we don’t include their tickets into the tour price as we leave it to the traveler to choose whether to book right on spot or not as not all travelers like them. Among those places; the entry tickets to the three pyramids of Giza, the Solar Boat of King Khufu, and some of the tombs at the Valley of the Kings.
Optional Tours
While being on spot in each Egyptian city, you may want to try something you see or maybe hear about. Among the most well-known optional tours that you may want to try are camel rides in Giza, the Hot Air Balloon in Luxor, the Felucca ride in Aswan, etc. There is no need to book any of these optional tours in advance as you can simply book any of them right on spot and pay for them directly with the assistance of your tour guide.
Egyptian Food
Egypt offers a wide variety of the best oriental & international food that you can taste while having a tour in Egypt and here is a list of the most desirable dishes: Kababs, Shesh Tawook, Kofta, Koshary, Hawawshy, grilled chicken, Molokhia, and for the appetizers, you should taste Konafa, Golash, Barbosa, and many other dishes that you will hear about right upon your arrival
Egypt is one of the best countries all over the world with its climate all over the year. There are four different types of climate in Egypt; the first type is in autumn when the temperature ranges between 25:35 CS during the daytime from September till November. It is fairly cold in winter that starts from the middle of December till the middle of February. The best time to visit Egypt is spring from March till April and then it gets somewhat hot in spring.
Special Occasions in Egypt to Be Attended
There are tons of festivals and public holidays in Egypt that you will definitely be a lucky one if you got the chance of attending some of them. Here are some of the best Egyptian celebrations that you shouldn’t miss: -Abu Simbel Sun Festival That happens twice a year in Abu Simbel to commemorate the memory of Ramses II who established the great temple of Abu Simbel with a celebration that occurs only in October & February each year with the enlightened of the whole god’s statues inside except for the darkness god statue of Ptah. -Easter Holiday The best time to visit Egypt is in Easter as the weather during that season is totally marvelous & cool and allows you to visit the best sightseeing in Egypt without getting hot or tired. This is one of the most recommended seasons for traveling to Egypt. -Christmas Holiday The Christmas season is the highest season of tourism in Egypt and is also the best time to spend your Christmas vacation and taste the amazing beauty of the Egyptian sites in such a glorious season. -Ramadan, Eid El-Fitr, and Eid El-Adha These are three religious celebrations that must be witnessed while being in Egypt. Some believe that Ramadan is not a recommended season to visit Egypt in but we would like to clarify that it is totally fabulous timing to spend your vacation a none of the tourist sites nor the tourist restaurants get affected by Ramadan and Egypt receives tourists from all over the world to enjoy the beauty of the Egyptian celebrations especially that Ramadan is followed by Eid El-Fear with its magnificent Egyptian spirit and after a few months, there is Eid El-Adha. So as long as you have the chance to witness any of these festivals & celebrations, never lose it.
No visit in Egypt is completed except with a shopping tour in the old Egyptian avenues to expert the best shopping centers like El-Meiz Street, Khan El-Khalili Bazaar, the big souk in the Nubian Village, and a lot of other amazing streets that include the most well-known Egyptian stores. You will be able to get souvenirs for your friends, get clothes at really reasonable prices, buy some jewelry, and in case you love antiques, you will definitely admire the shops that you will see as they have the most exceptional Egyptian artifact that looks exactly like the real ones. For ladies who care for the taste of their food, you will fall in love with the spices shops that have the best and the most rate types of spices in the Middle East. Don’t forget to have a tour of the perfume shops which have the best essence both oriental & international one and will definitely get your interest.
The main currency used in Egypt is the Egyptian pound that is called among the Egyptians with “El-Genie”. For foreigners, they sometimes feel confused about the currency they should carry, where they should exchange their money, should they give tipping for example in USD or EGP?? Simply put, USD is totally acceptable in the tourist sites & shops in Egypt. Also, you can exchange some of your money upon your arrival at the airport with the assistance of your tour guide. If you don’t like carrying a lot of cash with you in a foreign country, you will find tens of ATMs in each corner in Egypt that you can use to withdraw your money and pay in cash. Some shops also accept dealing with Credit, Master, and Debit Cards.
While being in Egypt, you should respect the Egyptian traditions & customs. Women should look after their clothes while touring Egypt as Egypt is an Islamic country that has its own rules in clothes that should be worn in public. Men too should respect the culture of the country they are visiting and not drink alcohol in not suitable places as this may cause trouble. Rather than this, you will get amazed by the amazing Egyptian civilization and the traditions of the Egyptians.